As an umbrella organisation for the practice of NVR, the Association is a body comprised of three kinds of membership:
Individual Members - £20 a year
We welcome people who either practice NVR as professionals, undertaking training or who take an interest in the approach.
Accredited Members - £100 a year
Practitioners who have met the accreditation standards (completed Level III training) either at practitioner, supervisor or trainer level can register as accredited members. Accreditation is included in the membership fee after three years, and must be renewed every five years through submission of a CPD Log.
Constituent Organisations
These are organisations which provide training in the approach to practitioners who use NVR in their delivery of services to clients. Clients of such practitioners are individuals, families, groups of individuals, organisational teams, schools, communities and other social groupings, which can benefit from clinical or social interventions utilising the approach. Constituent organisations may also provide direct professional/clinical services in NVR to service users. Constituent organisations can be statutory organisations, incorporated businesses or unincorporated associations with a name and membership list, non-for-profit organisations, or registered charities.
Level III
£100 (Per annum)
*This is for practitioners who have reached their Level III training. The membership also includes the reaccreditation fee after a 3-year NVRA Accredited Member Membership. To maintain your accreditation, the reaccreditation process takes place every 5 years.
All current accredited members under NVR UK prior to 01.04.2020 will remain accredited under the NVRA.
Colleagues who have been closely associated with constituent organisations (grand parented) will remain accredited under the NVRA from 01.04.2020.
Information about training courses, events, certification and conferences
Networking opportunities
Raising professional profile
Opportunities to meet with like-minded people and experienced NVR professionals through interest groups, meetings and events
Access to NVRA resources
Regular newsletter publication with news and events
Displaying notices on our virtual Community Notice Board
Be a guest on the NVRA Community Podcast
Customised Accredited NVR Practitioner Page (Accredited Practitioners only)
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